Monday, May 4, 2015

Motivation Monday

So here on Inspiring Journey we are planning to "interview" people who inspire us and then share there stories for Motivation Monday's. We weren't able to get our first interview done yet...but stay tuned for next week we have an awesome interview in the works with a fellow FXB lifer :)

I'm going to get a bit personal this for this post.  This weekend was really hard for me.  My granmother, who basically raised me, was sent to the emergency room on Sunday morning.   Honestly, I haven't been feeling very motivated or cheery.  Today was the first day in 17 weeks that I finally missed my first every FXB class.  I was was ready to go bag packed, shoes on, keys in hand...but I was just sad... there was no way I was going to be able to kickbox today and give my level 10.  So, I curled up into a ball and cuddled my dog on the couch until it was time to pick my son up from daycare.

As I started to recieve messages of support from my fellow FXB team, I realized that talking about what was happing was actually helping me get out of my slump.  So I wanted to thank everyone who has given me warm wishes and prayers for my grandmother's recovery.  It has motviated me to get out of my shell once again and open up a bit. I can't wait to see all of them on the mat tomorrow.

I suppose what I'm trying to say by this is, life happens and thats ok.  There are always going to be ups and downs.  We have to surround ourselves with positive people.  People who truly care about us, motivate us to keep going, push us though the hard times, make us stonger, and send thoughts and prayers when needed.  I am truly blessed that I have met so many wonderful people through Farrel's.  If I never would have taken the final push to start this journey I wouldn't have these people in my life.  So take the leap to start something new, you never know when you will need new friends to help you.


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