xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Inspiring Journey: Shauna's Thoughts: A guide to a Summer BBQ

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Shauna's Thoughts: A guide to a Summer BBQ


Would you believe that it is already July?  Summer will be gone before we know it.  Not only is
Independence day quickly approaching, it is on a Saturday of all days.  I don't know about you but Saturday's I usually reserve for my cheat meal day. Yes it sometimes turns into an entire day, but I have goals you see, and I can't just keep taking cheat days. It is a delicate balance of life that I am trying to achieve.  I feel as thought every weekend since May has been loaded with events, family get together, catching up with friends, carnivals, parades, BBQ's and birthdays.  Have I maintained a steady results with my progress so far? Yes. Could I have achieved more if I would have tightened up the reigns a bit? Yes. So you see, I have to go into this Saturday with a plan of attack in order for me to stay on track.  I have created a list of tips for myself to help me make good choices for the 4th, while still being able to enjoy the festivities and company of friends and family.

Before I get to my list, I have a few things I really wanted to share!  First I want to officially announce that Jenni and I were asked to be Coaches for the Summer Session at our Farrell's location!  I will be coaching 4:30, and Jenni will be coaching 5:30.  Jenni and I are so excited to start, we have already started planning challenges, and trying to incorporate challenges between our class times!  I am personally  honored and blessed to be given the opportunity to lead a new group of 10 weekers.  Again, I have to thank my husband for pushing me into this journey.  I have been able to turn myself into a butterfly, not only physically, but mentally as well.  If it weren't for that push I wouldn't have found something I am truly passionate about.  Now I get to further my journey at FXB and spread my enthusiasm, passion, and help someone else grow into a butterfly! So get ready 4:30 we have big things  planned for the Summer Session.

The Second thing I wanted to share was my progress pictures thus far.  
I cannot wait to see what the next 10 weeks brings.  
 Here are 5 tips I am going to use this 4th of July weekend to help me stay on track.
1) Exercise:  I am going to get my fitness on in the morning to start my day off right.  Do at least 30 - 45 min of Cardio to get that body off to a good start.  Even if its just talking  a walk around the neighborhood, do something!  Get up and get that body moving!

2) Hydration: Water, water, water... drink up buttercups.  If you plan to have a few alcoholic beverages later on in the day, you will want to add some extra ounces of water to your daily intake.
3) Food: The hardest thing for me to do on the weekends is log my food.  Have a plan for the day and log it out. That way you will know where you might be able to spare a few carbs/proteins here and there to incorporate your special holiday meal.
4) Portion Size:  I love BBQ's because there are always tons of different foods that I don't eat very often.  My first instinct is to load my plate up with as much as I can.  Think SMALLER PORTIONS!  By getting smaller portions of all the goodies, you will be able to try more of them without feeling bloated and guilty for overindulging.  
5) Alcohol:  Know what you are drinking.  There are so many hidden calories, carbs, and sugars in those yummy delicious alcoholic beverages. This is why planning ahead and logging your food will help determine a good option for your day. Another good tip is to drink water between your alcoholic beverage choice.  It will help you stay hydrated, keep you full, and slow the drinking down! 
I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July weekend! Make memories, share stories, have fun, fuel your bodies, and be safe.  Leave a comment and share some tips that you do to keep yourself on track during a holiday get together, I would love more ideas. 
Keep Inspiring ~Shauna~

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