Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to recover from the Summer...

Summer is offically over.  It is the time where we say goodbye to hot summer nights, shorts,  flip flops, weekend BBQ's, swimming, tan skin, and summer vacations to the lake house.  We also get to say goodbye to the excuese Summer brought...excuses like, "I worked hard for this summer body, so now I can indulge a bit more" "Having more than one cheat day won't kill me" "I will just run extra tomorrow" "It's too hot to run today" "Oh, I will be on vacation this week, so I won't be able to get to the gym"  "I'm just too busy this week to prep my meals"

This Summer was a good one for me personally.  I still made it to the gym 6 days a week.  I was given the oppurtunity to Coach Farrell's 4:30 Summer Session. ( I am so proud of my team by the way, they all did amazing with their session).  I made wonderful memories with my husband, and my friends.  As for my weightloss goals, I started to see myself plateau.  I probably ate 70% clean this time around.  There were lot's of friends and family get togethers this Summer, that it was incredibly hard to pass up the yummies and stick to chicken and rice.  Then I started obsessing about it, and I could feel myself fall back into that dark place in my brain.  That place that was telling me I was just failing all over again, and that I needed a quick fix.  I started weighing myself every day, then getting angry that I wasn't hitting my goals.  Instead of giving up because I wasn't going anywhere with my goals, and it seemed like I was still so far away from them, I stopped myself.  I had something this time that I have never had before.  I have a support system.  I took a long hard look at my FXB family and looked at how far I have come, instead of looking at how far I have to go.  I looked at all the hard work we have all put in, the struggles we are all facing, and how life just happens sometimes and there is no changing that.  It's O.K.  This is a marathon, not a sprint.  

How am I going to recover from my Summer?  I am going to breathe, and let the crisp Autumn air surround me.  I am going to use my support team to help keep me accountable this Fall Session.  I am setting goals and making them part of my daily routine. I am not going to give up my fight. I will motivate others, and help them on their journey. I will know that at the end of the day, I gave my all and I won't be stopped. Goodbye excuesses, goodbye doubt, goodbye scale...  I will not fall into the darkness, for I know that God has a plan for me, and I'm not done telling my story.  

Keep Inspiring, 

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