Thursday, October 1, 2015

Food for Thought: Tortilla Pizza Recipe

Tortilla Pizza Recipe of the greatest foods in existance.  A food that I used to eat religiously every Friday for our family "Pizza Friday" meals.  As I started my weightloss journey, it became a food that I only saw maybe once a month for my one "free meal" for the week.  Until now... 

I am here to show you how to make an inexpensive, fast, and healthier version of this classic meal.  A recipe I guarentee everyone in your family will LOVE!

Ingredients you will need:

- 1 Large Mission extra grande tortilla shell
- 1/2 cup Contadina pizza sauce ( I love that they make it in a convient squeeze bottle)
- 5 ounces 99% lean ground turkey
- 17 Slices of turkey pepperoni
- 4-5 whole mushrooms chopped
- 1/2 cup of shredded cheese
- 2 tablespoons of parmesan cheese


Pre heat your oven to 400 degrees

While the oven is warming, brown your ground turkey meat making sure it is fully cooked.
Then take your tortilla shell and place it on your pan, add sauce, ground turkey, pepperoni, mushrooms,  and cheese.

Place in oven for 13 min and wham-o bam-o a perfectly done, delicious, thin crust pizza.

Here are the nutrtion facts:

Serving Size: 1/3 of the Pizza
Servings: 3

Calories: 277
Fat: 10.8g
Carbs: 21.8g
Protein: 23.1g
Sugar: 2g

This is a food that my husband asks me to make almost nightly.  He loves pizza.  The beauty of this recipe is that you can make it however you like it.  Add more veggies or add different meats.  You can always use smaller "personal" sized tortilla shells (which also come in low-carb versions).  Make it how you wish and pizza on my friends. 

Keep Inspiring, 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to recover from the Summer...

Summer is offically over.  It is the time where we say goodbye to hot summer nights, shorts,  flip flops, weekend BBQ's, swimming, tan skin, and summer vacations to the lake house.  We also get to say goodbye to the excuese Summer brought...excuses like, "I worked hard for this summer body, so now I can indulge a bit more" "Having more than one cheat day won't kill me" "I will just run extra tomorrow" "It's too hot to run today" "Oh, I will be on vacation this week, so I won't be able to get to the gym"  "I'm just too busy this week to prep my meals"

This Summer was a good one for me personally.  I still made it to the gym 6 days a week.  I was given the oppurtunity to Coach Farrell's 4:30 Summer Session. ( I am so proud of my team by the way, they all did amazing with their session).  I made wonderful memories with my husband, and my friends.  As for my weightloss goals, I started to see myself plateau.  I probably ate 70% clean this time around.  There were lot's of friends and family get togethers this Summer, that it was incredibly hard to pass up the yummies and stick to chicken and rice.  Then I started obsessing about it, and I could feel myself fall back into that dark place in my brain.  That place that was telling me I was just failing all over again, and that I needed a quick fix.  I started weighing myself every day, then getting angry that I wasn't hitting my goals.  Instead of giving up because I wasn't going anywhere with my goals, and it seemed like I was still so far away from them, I stopped myself.  I had something this time that I have never had before.  I have a support system.  I took a long hard look at my FXB family and looked at how far I have come, instead of looking at how far I have to go.  I looked at all the hard work we have all put in, the struggles we are all facing, and how life just happens sometimes and there is no changing that.  It's O.K.  This is a marathon, not a sprint.  

How am I going to recover from my Summer?  I am going to breathe, and let the crisp Autumn air surround me.  I am going to use my support team to help keep me accountable this Fall Session.  I am setting goals and making them part of my daily routine. I am not going to give up my fight. I will motivate others, and help them on their journey. I will know that at the end of the day, I gave my all and I won't be stopped. Goodbye excuesses, goodbye doubt, goodbye scale...  I will not fall into the darkness, for I know that God has a plan for me, and I'm not done telling my story.  

Keep Inspiring, 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Weekly Motivation: Kick discouragement in the face

As Jenni and I start our new chapter in our fitness journey as Coaches for FXB, I thought it would be a good idea to share some thoughts about how to stick to your workout plan, how to stay committed, and how to not get discouraged.

Let's face it, when you are the new kid on the block it can be intimidating and scary.  Whether you are starting a new job, new school, moving to a new city, joining a club, or starting a fitness routine for the first (or 10th time like me), it can be very overwhelming.  I have a pretty bad case of social anxiety, and if it wasn't for FXB getting me out of my comfort zone, I would still be a hermit inside my home, overweight, and sad. 

Starting a new fitness program is hard.  Our bodies aren't used to the physical activity we are about to put it though, and we aren't used to using food as fuel not for pleasure.  We shock our systems by cutting out caffeine, sugar, and processed foods.  Then tell our bodies to endure a physically demanding workout, and expect to feel good afterward.  No it sucks.  Our bodies are trying to expell and flush out the toxins we have been feeding ourselves for a long period of time.  Muscles we didn't even know existed hurt, fat starts crying, our heads are pounding due to "caffeine withdrawals", we are cranky, and get irriated more easily. I have been there.  I have gone though all of this many times.  Our natural reaction when things get hard is to?  You guessed it, QUIT. We quit and go back to our old familiar lifestyle.  Why do we do this?  You guessed right again...because it's EASY.  It is so easy to stop prepping up healthy meal choices and grab all of your meals at convient fast food places.  It's easy to choose to lay on the couch and binge watch all of Sons of Anarchy, while digging into the pint(s) of Ben and Jerry's.  It's easy to get out of a long day of work on a Friday and decide to skip the gym and hit the pool party instead.  It's easy to go and have a drink or two or five with your friends.  It's easy to make excueses.  Where did easy get you though.  Easy got you to that unhappy, unhealthy place where you stare into that mirror and don't like who you see. Easy got you to the place where you put yourself down daily and say horrible things to yourself.

#1: Find your support team.  It is so much easier to stick to it when you have support from like minded people.

I think by now if you have read some of my other entries, you will know that the number one reason why I have stuck to it is because I have found an amazing support system.  My Farrell's Family. If it weren't each one of them making me accountable, keeping me motivated, and sharing my journey, I wouldn't have stuck to it.

 #2: Do something you really enjoy doing

Again I have said this before. Do something you love and are passionate about.  Do you like running, hiking, biking, weight lifting, zumba, swimming, tennis, soccer, kickboxing? Find some kind of physical activity you like to do.  When you are having fun, you won't want to quit.

#3: Kick Discouragement in the face

We all transform at our own pace.  We all catch on to new things differntly.  Sometimes it's harder for us to get into a routine than others.  Do not get discouraged, remember why you started this.  Use your support team to revive your spirtits.

 #4: Remove  I CAN'T from your vocabulary

Try...You will never know what you can do unless you try.  Will it be scary? Will it be hard? Will it be uncomfortable?  Yes it proabably will, but try.  You can do more than you think you can.

#5: Set Goal that you will be able to achieve in the time given.

Make smaller goals that you can accomplish.  Example: I will drink 80 ounces of water each day, I will log all of my food for the week, I will lose 5 lbs. in 2 months. Once you reach that goal reward yourself.  NOT WITH FOOD, you are not a dog (unless they are Quest Bars.  Alwasys reward yourself with Quest bars they are amazing).  Reward yourself with a different kind of treat: get your nails done, hair done, shop for a new outfit, get your car professionally cleaned, get tickets to a concert....what ever it is make memories with it!  That way you can remember 'Hey I hit my goal and because of it I was able to...' Goals and rewards always help push me to keep going.

Let me be that little voice that tells you to push yourself out of that confort zone.  Keep going, and don't give up when it starts to get hard.  You can do anything you put your mind to.  When you start to get discouraged and start to feel the excuses start to fester into your brain, STOP!  Think about why you are saying you "Can't do something". Are you really, truly, physically unable to keep your commitment to yourself to be healthier? Or is it the easy way out again? YOU CAN... Believe you can do it and you will surprise yourself.  Wake up determined and go to bed saying "It might not have been a perfect day, but I tried my hardest." In the end you will be thankful you never gave up.

Keep Inspiring,

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Shauna's Thoughts: A guide to a Summer BBQ


Would you believe that it is already July?  Summer will be gone before we know it.  Not only is
Independence day quickly approaching, it is on a Saturday of all days.  I don't know about you but Saturday's I usually reserve for my cheat meal day. Yes it sometimes turns into an entire day, but I have goals you see, and I can't just keep taking cheat days. It is a delicate balance of life that I am trying to achieve.  I feel as thought every weekend since May has been loaded with events, family get together, catching up with friends, carnivals, parades, BBQ's and birthdays.  Have I maintained a steady results with my progress so far? Yes. Could I have achieved more if I would have tightened up the reigns a bit? Yes. So you see, I have to go into this Saturday with a plan of attack in order for me to stay on track.  I have created a list of tips for myself to help me make good choices for the 4th, while still being able to enjoy the festivities and company of friends and family.

Before I get to my list, I have a few things I really wanted to share!  First I want to officially announce that Jenni and I were asked to be Coaches for the Summer Session at our Farrell's location!  I will be coaching 4:30, and Jenni will be coaching 5:30.  Jenni and I are so excited to start, we have already started planning challenges, and trying to incorporate challenges between our class times!  I am personally  honored and blessed to be given the opportunity to lead a new group of 10 weekers.  Again, I have to thank my husband for pushing me into this journey.  I have been able to turn myself into a butterfly, not only physically, but mentally as well.  If it weren't for that push I wouldn't have found something I am truly passionate about.  Now I get to further my journey at FXB and spread my enthusiasm, passion, and help someone else grow into a butterfly! So get ready 4:30 we have big things  planned for the Summer Session.

The Second thing I wanted to share was my progress pictures thus far.  
I cannot wait to see what the next 10 weeks brings.  
 Here are 5 tips I am going to use this 4th of July weekend to help me stay on track.
1) Exercise:  I am going to get my fitness on in the morning to start my day off right.  Do at least 30 - 45 min of Cardio to get that body off to a good start.  Even if its just talking  a walk around the neighborhood, do something!  Get up and get that body moving!

2) Hydration: Water, water, water... drink up buttercups.  If you plan to have a few alcoholic beverages later on in the day, you will want to add some extra ounces of water to your daily intake.
3) Food: The hardest thing for me to do on the weekends is log my food.  Have a plan for the day and log it out. That way you will know where you might be able to spare a few carbs/proteins here and there to incorporate your special holiday meal.
4) Portion Size:  I love BBQ's because there are always tons of different foods that I don't eat very often.  My first instinct is to load my plate up with as much as I can.  Think SMALLER PORTIONS!  By getting smaller portions of all the goodies, you will be able to try more of them without feeling bloated and guilty for overindulging.  
5) Alcohol:  Know what you are drinking.  There are so many hidden calories, carbs, and sugars in those yummy delicious alcoholic beverages. This is why planning ahead and logging your food will help determine a good option for your day. Another good tip is to drink water between your alcoholic beverage choice.  It will help you stay hydrated, keep you full, and slow the drinking down! 
I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July weekend! Make memories, share stories, have fun, fuel your bodies, and be safe.  Leave a comment and share some tips that you do to keep yourself on track during a holiday get together, I would love more ideas. 
Keep Inspiring ~Shauna~

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Me? Competitve?...Nah!!! ok! Yeah!!!!


Its true! You really are your biggest competition! My most satisfying "win's" against my biggest competition have been the those accomplishments I told MYSELF over and over that I COULDN'T do and then DID!!!

I have debated doing this post for quite sometime, but my fellow "Inspiring Journey" blogger finally convinced me that since we were coming of another 10 week competition now might be a good time.  So here it goes.  Here it goes at the risk of sounding like the biggest, brattiest baby.  But before I go to much further let me start by saying, YES I am major competitive.  Not sure why or how.  It has been a good thing and thing.  It has made people absolutely hate me and it has inspired others.  I guess its all in how you take it.  But please know that just because I am competitive I also have huge heart and feelings and genuinely care about people.  Especially the people I find myself in competition with! In my head, at the moment, I may want to squash them like a bug but in all actuality I am thankful that they too see me as competition and are giving me a run for my money :)


Ok, with that said he comes my bratty story.  And how being competitive not only just about ruined everything, but also might have saved me as well...(but this is part of my "inspiring journey" right?)

So at the gym both Shauna and I go to they have a 10 week body transformation competition.  Whoever does the most transforming in that 10 week session wins $1000.  So, when I joined Farrell's THIS was my goal.  Yeah yeah yeah, I was going to lose weight, I was going to change the way I eat, hey and I might gain a little muscle, but I WAS GOING TO WIN THIS!! And for me it wasn't so much about the money, as much as it was about having the "title" and having the "title" in a fitness competition of all thing!! So, during my 10 weeks I became VERY close friends some of my 10 week team.  At the end I genuinely just wanted someone from our "group" to win. (I honestly thought one of the three guys had the best chance of all of us). When we arrived at the "winner announcement" party and pictures were handed out mine looked ok, and just about as good as anyone elses, or so I thought.  So time came and the announced the top 3.  Ladies and Gentlemen, my name WAS NOT called!  WHAT??!! I didn't even make top 3!!  Yep, it was true.  But my friend Shauna DID win and honestly at that moment I was beyond happy for her.  I was beyond happy that someone from out "group" had won!  I jumped and screamed and clapped and hugged and then.... bratty, competitive Jenni reared her ugly head!!!

Ok, so lets back up a bit. 

When I started this 10 weeks my goal was to win.  I knew the only way that I was going to be able to do that is if I did EVERYTHING I could.  I needed to eat right EVERY day.  I needed to workout EVERY day and not just show up at the gym, BUT give the gym my highest level.  That was what I was going to do.  That was how I was going to win this competition.  If I didn't win this competition at least I knew that I gave it my very all that I made every sacrifice I could have made.  So this is what I did.  I showed up EVERY day.  I worked hard EVERY day.  On the one day the gym was closed, I worked out that day too.  I kept my nutrition on point and only took 3 cheat MEALS during the whole 10 weeks.   I worked so hard.  So come announcement night, when my name wasn't even called (along with 100+ other names of people who worked their tails off) for the top 3 my spirit was broken a little.  I did have someone come up and say to me "you were in the top 5" And while I smiled politely and thanked them inside I was saying "Yeah, well what does top 5 get ya...a big fat NOTHING"  It wasn't until a couple weeks later when my head cleared that I realized what being top 5 did get me! (I'll get to that in a bit)

I went to work the next day in tears.  How could this happen?  I worked my butt off.  So what did I do.  Exactly what my biggest competition (ME!) wanted me to do.  I threw a hissy fit.  I ate anything and AND a piece of cake FROM my work cafeteria.  Yes, I continued to attend Farrell's everyday, but not giving my workout my highest lever for sure.  Plus, I'd walk by Shauna's picture everyday with the thankful thought I didn't have a sharpie to draw a mustache and horns on her pictures. I'd roll my eyes at the mention of "There's a $1000 winner in the house" ugh it was killing me (and honestly, it probably was), Then one day my good friend Shanon sent me the sweetest text and snapped me out of it.  (not sure what I'd do without that girl) I realized this had NOTHING to do with Shauna, this had NOTHING to do with Farrell's it was about me and I was RUINING all my work that I had done in the last 10 weeks by being the biggest brat.  I HAD to snap out of it!

 My competition with myself was NOT over.  Yes, the Farrell's competition was done, but I still had/have a lot of work left to do.  And my competition constantly tells me that I will not win.  OH YES I WILL!!!!! 

So what did coming in the top 5 give me?  Way more than I will ever be able to explain in words.  it gave me the ability to chose foods that are good for my body. (by the way, after eating the crap I did for the week I was being a brat I ended up getting very sick and I am pretty sure it was all because of the nasty foods I chose to eat.  I didn't eat anything that would have helped my body fight off the nasty sinus infection I ended up with) During my 10 weeks (I think week 5) I went below 200lbs for the first time in 12 years.  I fit into a pair of jeans I had been holding onto for over 15 years.  I caught my husband staring a little bit longer than he had in a long time.  I held my head higher.  I felt better.  I could move better.  I could play with my kids easier. I made some of my best friends in that 10 weeks.  This is what coming in the top 5 has given me.  Sometimes I think, how dare I even want more than that but the competitive part of me thinks I bet there is more than that.... push yourself and lets see!!!

Competition in good.  Don't let it ruin you.  Let it drive you.  Let it push you. Let it be the reason you don't give up, not this time!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Shauna's Thoughts: Fitting Rooms

Fitting rooms... I loath them.  The lighting is always horrible, the mirrors I swear are the kinds you would see in a fun house, and the rooms are so small I start to get claustrophobic. Every time I bring in a pile of clothes into the room, my first instinctive thought is "These are never going to fit me, why am I even bothering."  I have had such a bad relationship with myself that I have ingrained into my brain that nothing ever fits.  We look into the mirror and when we don't see what society has deemed as perfect, we start to beat ourselves up by saying horrible things. Fat, ugly, thunder thighs, cow stomach, stretch marks, cellulite, saggy skin, bat wings, muffin top, cankles... the list goes on.  When we are looking into the mirror saying these horrible things to ourselves day after day we start to believe it.

Lucky for me my job requires a uniform that they provide, so no need to be fancy there. If I am not at work, I am at Farrell's or at home and I wear workout pants and a t-shirt (I'm really a great catch). All of the other normal clothing I own like jeans and dresses just don't fit...they are either too big, too small, or  very outdated.

Recently I have had three occasions where yoga pants and a superhero t-shirt were not going to cut it.   I had to face my anxiety and fear and go shopping somewhere other than Wal-Mart.  Maybe it's because since having my son, (who is now four years old) that I just lost interest in dressing up and wearing real clothes. I'm going to blame it on the inventors of yoga/work-out pants, because once you try on a pair of really comfy, soft,  stretchy yoga pants you can never go back to jeans. Ever.  Either way, I have lost the art of putting together a complete outfit. Where are Stacy and Clinton from What Not to Wear when you need them?  They are amazing stylists who can make any girl (or guy) of any size or shape, feel like a million bucks.

I put my big girl pants on and faced the shopping centers and the fitting rooms.  Now that I have lost over 30 pounds, I honestly didn't even know what size I was.  As I walked into these shops I instantly felt like everyone was watching me and judging me.  I felt as if they were thinking "Why is she even in this store? She looks like she belongs in a barn.  She will never fit into anything in this store she is way too big for these clothes. She is clueless and awkward..."  Of course this was all in my head.  Nobody even looked my way, and a few of the clerks even helped me pick out some things to try on.  My point is, here is another instance where when we don't feel like we fit this idea of perfection, we (or maybe it's just me) start to have all of these irrational fears and thoughts of what everyone else will think or say.

So here are some things I have recently learned when shopping
 (I'm still working on some of these myself)

1) Have an idea of what you are going to be shopping for.  What occasion is it for, and will it be appropriate for that occasion.  When I was trying on dresses for a wedding we had to attend, I tried on about 8 dresses.  The one I instantly liked was a long cheetah print dress... however my husband brought me back to reality.  "Do not get the cheetah print one, this is a wedding, and you are not from Jersey" he said.  So even though I really thought that was the dress for me, I had to keep looking for something more appropriate.

2) Don't let the size number on the clothing item have control of who you are.  Every store is different and all size 12's are not made the same, just like all size Mediums are not  made the same.  The type of fabric, cut, and manufacture will all play a factor into how the clothing fits. This is why most of us dread trying on clothes.  That stupid number on the back of my pants can flip my emotional meter into a frenzy in a matter of seconds.  When you try something on that doesn't fit and it is the "size" you think you should fit in, it damages you mentally.  That's when we start to critique ourselves and say those horrible things about our bodies (see first paragraph)

3) To avoid this problem, I take 3 sizes of whatever clothing item I want to buy into the fitting room.  Small, Medium, Large....10, 12, 14...etc.  Then I choose whichever one truly fits my body.  I just bought two pairs of shorts the other day.  One was a size 12, and one was a size 14.  I don't care what the tag says all I know is they fit, they don't give me muffin top, and they don't squish my thighs out the bottom like sausages.  I haven't worn shorts in over a year, so needless to say I was so excited. I actually felt good in the shorts.  Instead of saying something negative about my body, I looked into the mirror and said, " Girl look at those quad muscles starting to come in".

4) This brings me to my final tip.  Let's build a better positive body image of ourselves.  Our bodies are like a canvas, they show the story of our life. Most of us all have things we want to work on, or things that we wish we could change about our bodies, but we need to embrace what we have.  My stomach looks like a baby tiger attacked it, and I only had one child.  I have had stretch marks on my thighs since middle school. My chest is non existent now since I have lost weight, bye bye boobies! That's OK though.  This is my journey and I am still working on my final product.

Even as I write this, I think about it being summer and how I have yet to get into my swimsuit.  That is definitely out of my comfort zone.  See what I mean, I'm working on this positive thinking thing too.  This week was getting into shorts, and that was a big deal for me.  I don't know if I see a swimsuit in the near future, but I will take baby steps and start saying nicer things to myself.  I encourage all of you to get into a positive mind frame.

Keep Inspiring ~Shauna~

Monday, June 1, 2015

Shauna's Thoughts: Back To Basics

May has turned out to be a very crazy month for myself. First my Grandmother went into the hospital and I am really the only one here to help visit and bring her clothes and necessities she may need.  Then my husband and I made the decision to move into my Grandma's house in order to prepare her home for her return.  She will also need assistance once she is finally release. Trying to plan and execute my sons 4th birthday party, and try to settle him into the new house. Plus trying to balance my work and Farrell's schedules around all of this has really put my nutrition into a bit a jumble. My weigh-ins at Max Muscle have still been really good even in the chaos, but I know that my nutrition is starting to slip. I have been down this road too many times before, and I don't plan to continue going toward this dark path. So, as life is starting to settle back into normalcy, I am grabbing my ticket to getting back to basics. NUTRITION will be the key!  You can spend hours exercising and working out, but if you don't have your nutrition locked down you will never make progress.

Everyone has bad days, that turn into bad weekends, that turn into bad weeks, or even possibly turn into bad months.  That's life and it happens. We can't beat ourselves up for being human. What we can do is think about how far we have come and get back on track. I'll say it again,  let's get back to basics.  Write down your goals for the next month, break it down into weeks if that helps. Post it somewhere you will see it everyday. Plan your meals for the day or better yet the week! Water water water...this is something I have not been doing enough of. Grab a friend to workout with, friends that sweat together stay together.  Now that it is getting nicer outside get off the couch and do something fun outside with the family!  Do not let one bad meal, one bad weekend, or even one bad week keep you down. You have come to far to let something so tiny smolder your flame. 

Last weeks goals!
So, who is with me? I challenge everyone to write down their goals for the next month. They don't need to be crazy goals, make the goals something you can achieve in a month. Then you won't feel pressured or discouraged and give up.  Some examples could be: Drinking at least 80oz of water a day. Cut back alcohol to one drink a week (better yet no alcohol for 30 days).  Same for soda. Do you have a sweet tooth? Use fruits to satisfy your cravings.  Be dedicated to using your food log... You get the point.  These small little changes  will make a big impact over time!  Make posters, collages, or keep a journal for inspiration. I finally had a few minutes last night to catch up on my Fitness Smash Book.  It helped me gain some much needed motivation by looking at all the progress I have already made.  So remember, if you slipped up or fell off the wagon and you're looking for a sign to get back on track....THIS IS IT! This is your sign.  I will not let you fail, you can do anything you put your mind to. How bad do you want it?

Keep Inspiring  ~Shauna~

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Weekly Motivation: Don't give up!

Well, Jenni and I continue to have a crazy month of May.  Motivation Monday has just turned into "Weekly Motivation".  Like I mentioned before, on this segment, we want to feature and interview someone who inspires us.  I was finally able to sit down with a wonderful woman named Carol Wisecarver.  She is a role model, an inspiration, and a true legend at our Farrell's location.  After my first kickboxing class with Carol, I knew this lady meant business.  That class is defiantly in my top five of hardest workouts I have done so far!

Carol Wisecarver

In January 2009 Carol saw a commercial on T.V. for a new workout facility in Omaha that was based on cardio kickboxing.  She had taken a few kickboxing classes in the past and decided to check it out.  Little did she know that by taking her first step into the building, she would become an FXB lifer.  Within the first five weeks of her first ten week session, Carol was asked if she would be interested in becoming an instructor.  From there on she was hooked.  Within the next few years she became part owner of the facility, to eventually owning the entire location! She fell in love with Farrell's for what the program does.  It creates a sense of community, instills confidence,  delivers great results, and challenges you to step out of your comfort zone.  While she loved what she was doing for people, by changing their lives and getting them healthy, she realized as an Owner she was starting to only see people as dollar signs.  She didn't like that feeling, so she sold her location to someone who would take just as much pride in the program as she did, and help Farrell's flourish in Omaha. Since then, Carol went back to instructing, and getting to do what she does best, inspiring others!  She is truly someone who cares about the success, and story of everyone she meets. 

Question and Answer Time:

Q: You look amazing.  Have you always been in good shape?
A: No, my family has a history of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.  This doesn't come naturally. 

Finishing the Lincoln 1/2 Marathon
Carol is always on the go, doing lots of different things to stay active.  Hiking, biking, running, and even sky diving.  When she started Farrell's she hated running just like many of us do, but she was focused and determined and she didn't give up.  Running became her therapy to help prepare her for the day ahead or to unwind and reflect on what the day brought.  Carol has done four 1/2 Marathons and it seems like she is always participating in some sort of fun run for the month.

Q: What motivates and inspires you to live such an active lifestyle?
A: My 23 year old Daughter.  I want to there for her and watch her grow in life.  I want to be a good role model for her and show her that we all make mistakes sometimes and that's OK.

Carol, who just turned 50 this year, said her father passed away in his 50's, this is another reason why she stays so active.  I'm going to do whatever she is doing cause I can only hope when I turn 50 I look as amazing as she does!

Q: Food. Tell me about your nutrition.
A: Meal prep is key. I drive to Lincoln every day for work and I have to prep my meals. Everyone knows if I don't get my lunch in, I'm no fun.  I use Fruit to satisfy my sweet cravings.

Working in Lincoln, and living in Omaha makes for a busy day for Carol.  She gets up really early every day and takes/teaches 5 a.m. (and most likely gets a run in I'm sure).  She gets all of her meals ready for her day,  and drives to Lincoln and back.  If she didn't have her lunches and snacks prepped and ready to go, she would fall into bad habits and probably choose more unhealthy options.  She says she likes to prep up grilled chicken, that way she can add it to her salads easily.

Q: Favorite go to snack?
A: Cliff Bars.

Q: What three words best describe you.
A:Focused, Determined, and Content

Q: What would you tell someone who is on the fence about starting a workout program.
A: JUST GET STARTED! Stay commited and DON'T GIVE UP!

I couldn't agree more Carol.  We all have to start somewhere.  If we give up and stop trying, we will never know what could have been.  It will be hard, it will suck sometimes, it will be frustrating, you will have good weeks and bad weeks, but if you don't keep pushing yourself you will just be in the same spot you are in now.  I have so many good motivational quotes for this one... take your pick :)


A big thanks to Carol for letting me steal some of her time to talk to her and ask her all of these questions.  Seriously though, Carol is a woman of strength, determination and a true inspiration to anyone who meets her. I don't know how this woman does all she does, but I am so thankful I get to be a part of her energy when she is in class.  Thanks for being awesome Carol!

Keep Inspiring

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Food and Fitness Challenge:

I truly believe that meal preparation/planning is half the battle of changing the way you eat or even view food.  If you plan your meals ahead of time and get it in your head that today you will eat this, this and this and that is all you can eliminate half the junk you might have ate if you didn't plan your meals.

I don't know about you, but there are just some (many) days that when it comes to meal time and I open the cupboards (full of food) I just can't find a single thing to eat, mainly because I'm tired and don't want to cook or prepare it. So the easiest thing to do is grab something from the drive-thru or throw in one of those frozen cardboard pizza's :)..But if my meal was already planned and made I am more likely to eat that (mainly so it doesn't go to waste). It also prevents my little snacking because, when determined, I will stick to my plan and the prep has made that easier.

So here is my challenge to you for the next week. Prepare your meals for the week!! That's right I said the WEEK!!! This will even be a challenge for me because I only prepare them the night before.  I have listed a couple recipies and ideas down below that you can use. 
Remember:          Keep each meal proportioned
                                  Stay within your set nutritional numbers
                                  Food is Fuel (which means it may not always be fun)
                                  Look ahead and plan your meals around your crazy schedule
                                  Stick to your plan


Breakfast (and/or Lunch)

Egg White, Spinach and Ham Quiches

2 c baby spinach
12 egg whites
1 tsp dried basil
1/8 tsp black pepper
6 tbsp shredded 2% mozzarella cheese
¾ c diced ham
  1. Preheat the oven to 350°, and generously coat 6 jumbo muffin cups with nonstick cooking spray.
  2. Cook the spinach in a large pan coated with nonstick cooking spray over medium-low heat for 2-3 minutes, or until wilted and dark green. Remove from the heat.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk the egg whites until light and frothy, about 1-2 minutes. Whisk in the basil and pepper. Stir in the spinach, cheese, and ham. Divide the egg mixture between the prepared muffin cups, and bake at 350° for 25-30 minutes, or until set. Cool in the muffin cups for at least 8 minutes before removing.
(76 calories, 2.2g fat, 1g carbohydrate, 12.8g protein - per quiche)
What to pack -
1 - Egg White, Spinache and Ham Quiche
1 - Precooked Turkey Sausage Patty
1 - cup strawberry halves
1/2 cup green grapes
(246 calories, 9g fat, 24g carbohydrates, 24g protein)
   you can add more fruit for a few more carbs if you want :)
Pack up 6 of these so they are ready to go for the week!

Dinner (and/or Lunch)

Meatloaf Muffins

  • 1 lb. ground beef (93%)
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 3 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tbsp oregano
  • 1 cup Annies Organic Ketchup
  • salt/pepper to taste

  • Heat oven to 350 degrees.
  • In a bowl, combine all ingredients except for the ketchup, mixing well.
  • Pack mixture into each of the muffin tin slots.
  • Bake muffins for 20 minutes or until beef is browned.
  • Top each muffin with 1 tsp of Annie’s organic ketchup.
  • Place back into the oven for ten more minutes. Take out and let sit for 10 minutes.

  • What to pack -
    1 - Meatloaf Muffin
    1 - cup steamed fresh GreenBeans
    1/2 - cup Sugar Free Applesauce
    (298 calories, 7g fat, 35g carbohydrates, 21g protein)
    Pack up 6 of these!
    Don't forget to plan snacks as well and LOTS AND LOTS of water (at least 80oz a day)
    All right! What are you waiting for?  NO better time to start than now!!


    So this is going to be a simple one today.  But you will need a timer, a pen and a notebook (and maybe even a partner).

    When we first started Farrell's we were "tested" on a few things like push ups, sit ups, etc. I was AMAZED at how much my numbers improved in just a few short weeks!  I had gotten so much stronger.  Even though the scale wasn't moving super fast, it was motivating to see the improvements.  So that's what we are doing today. 
    Here's what you'll write down:
    Number of Push ups in a minute
     (Gals, you can do knee pushups but remember that because that's how you'll have to them each time you test! Guys, Sorry Charlie! Its from your toes only!) :)
    Number of Sit ups in a minute
    How long can you hold a Plank (straight arm or elbows but remember which one you do)
    How fast can you run/walk a mile

    If you are not involved in a daily workout program make sure you are doing push ups, situps, and planking EVERY day.  And if possible try running/walking your mile once or twice a week.  I guarantee if you do this you too can be motivated by the results

    Good Luck!





    Wednesday, May 13, 2015

    Shauna's Thoughts: How to stay Motivated

    Sorry we weren't able to get a Motivation Monday post done this week.  May has turned out to be quite hectic to both Jenni and I. We will have a great story for everyone next Monday.  I get to do a Q&A with the lovely Carol Wisecarver! She has been in the FXB world for a very long time, and I cannot wait to get her story. Until then, I thought I could share some ideas and tips on how I stay motivated.

    Find your reason WHY.  Why did you start this journey in the first place?  
    Did you just want to lose a few winter pounds? Did you have to lose the weight because of a medical reason? Were you just tired of the way you look and feel?  Were you tired of making promises to yourself and never followed through? Did you want to be healthier for your family?  There had to have been a reason WHY you started.  Write that reason down and put it somewhere where you will see it every day!


     Don't do it alone! Get the entire family involved, do it with friends, or make friends with people who have the same goals.  Surround yourself with like minded people.  You will gain accountability, support, and you will have fun. This will give you a shoulder to cry on, someone to talk you off the ledge as you are about to eat that delicious doughnut, and give you some good competition!  All of which will keep you motivated and determined to keep going. 


     Realize that Rome wasn't built in a day.  I didn't gain all my weight and get into all of my unhealthy habits in one day.  It took a year for me to gain back the 30+ pounds I had lost the previous year.  I was realistic and I knew I wasn't going to lose all the weight in one day either.  Remember there isn't a miracle pill or diet that will instantly make you skinny (well I mean I guess there is photo shop... JUST KIDDING). It will take hard work, perseverance, determination, accountability, and getting into the right mind set to see results. There will be good days and bad days, but don't give up just cause you had a bad day or week.  Get back up, call a friend and get back to it! 

     Do something you like to do, I have said this before.  I have never been successful in my weight loss because I never stuck to it.  Why?  Because there wasn't any passion in what I was doing.  Sure, I was dropping weight and looking better, but I hated going to the gym.  My husband will tell how I would dread going to the gym.  I would make any excuse possible to not go, and complain about the workouts he was giving me.  It wasn't until I found something that I enjoyed doing and became completely passionate (OK let's be honest...obsessed) about, that I have finally stuck with it.  Enjoying my fitness routine motivates me to go every day, and push myself harder and harder during every workout. It motivates me so much that I was refereed to as the "teachers pet" the other day.  Guess what?  I wear that with pride because I love what I do. Haters gonna hate ;)

    Here's a sample of my Smash book
    Keep a fitness journal or post inspirational quotes.  This is something that I also get made fun of for doing, but I don't care.  It keeps me motivated.  I started my fitness "Smash Book" when I started FXB at the beginning of this year.  I needed something that I could document my journey in.  I wanted something that I could look back to when I was feeling unmotivated, in a slump, or having one of those "bad days".  I absolutely love it and it doubles as a therapy session for me.  I love having a creative outlet.

    Don't let the number on the scale define you.  This one is hard for me to remember too.  I think as a society we have been trained to fit into a certain size jean, and stay with-in a certain number on the scale. We are all made differently, and we all come in different shapes and sizes.  Don't be discouraged by the numbers.  Look for improvements in your daily life.  Are you able to walk farther without losing your breath? Do you have more energy?  Are your clothes fitting better? Try taking measurements of your body every three months.  Maybe you didn't lose numbers on the scale, but you will be shocked when you realize you have lost inches on your body! Stay positive and keep going  refer back to #THREE!

    Well those are some things that help me stay motivated.  Leave a comment below and tell us what keeps you motivated!  Just remember don't give up, it will take time and patience, but in the end it will be worth all of hard work.

    Keep Inspiring