Saturday, May 9, 2015

Food & Fitness: Abdominals

This week we are shaping up our abs just in time for summer!  It's true abs are made in the kitchen!  Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition. We are going to give you some delicious recipes to try, and a killer abdominal workout to go with it.   

The challenge we are going to share is one that we have been doing at our Farrell's locations for a few weeks. Between our 10 week sessions our team needed a little something extra  Thanks to one of our awesome coaches (thanks Jenn) she shared the 300 Abs challenge with us. It's supposed to be the same workout that the cast from the movie 300 did to chisel out their amazing let's get to it.


Some of these are new exercises, so I have pictures on how to execute them...
*I have provided two versions of the Hip lift or Hip dip.  Either way is killer :)
Toe Touch Reverse
Hip lift orHip dips
Russian twistside V-ups
Pictures provided by:,,, &

I challenge everyone to try this abs series every other day for a week and see how you feel! Even better, try to keep it going the entire month! You will be sore, but keep going you CAN DO IT!

You can do all the ab work you want to but unless you have that NUTRITION on point you are basically doing all that work for nothing.  
I am often asked "what do you eat in a day"?
As Shauna and I have both mentioned what works for the both of us is eating 6 small meals a day.  I really do my very best to make sure that I eat every three hours.  (I have even set myself a timer on days I know I will be super busy). After a while your body will get used to your schedule and will NEED to eat on that schedule.  So below is an example of what my "food log" might look like for one day.  I do prepare my food/meals and log the night before and try to really stick to what I have planned.  Now Farrell's has given me a good guideline of nutrition numbers to follow.  These numbers have been calculated specifically for me so depending on your size, and body fat percentage yours might be slightly different. Farrell's has some crazy scientific formula that's pretty perfect. :) The guideline I use is 35 carbs per meal and 20 protein per meal.
Meal 1: Whey Protein Shake
(200 calories, 29g carbohydrates, 21g protein, 1.5g fat)
Meal 2: Special K Protein Kellogg's Special K Protein Cereal, 16.5 oz
              Skim Milk
(160 calories, 30g carbohydrates, 18g protein, 2g fat)
Meal 3: Chicken Breast (sliced in strips)
              Whole Grain Tortillia
               Light Mayo
               (With these first four I make a yummy and filling wrap)
               Fresh Green Beans (which I honestly don't put in my count)
               Natural Applesauce (unsweetened)
(311 Calories, 36g of carbohydrates, 24g of protein, 8g of fat)
Meal 4: Quest Bar (My fave is the chocolate peanutbutter) Image result for quest bar chocolate peanut butter
              V-8 Fustion Drink
(240 Calories, 38g carbohydrates, 20g of protein, 8g of fat)
Meal 5: Coconut Chicken Tenders (click on for link to recipe)
              Lettuce Salad with light Italian Dressing (Wishbone)
              1/2 piece of pita bread
(327 calories,  30.7g of Carbohydrates, 30g protein, 9.4g Fat)
Meal 6: 2- skim milk cheese sticks
              12- Raw Almonds
(280 Calories, 26 Carbohydrates, 18g Protein, 15g Fat)
This is pretty much what my day looks like, especially a day at work.  Its a very simple and quick combination of food.  To be honest I eat just about the same thing everyday.  Just makes life easier. Of course this isn't perfect.  As you can see some of my meals are missing a few carbs or have too many.  I am still trying to learn the balance myself.  But with these meals and my 80oz of water I am seriously NEVER hungry or really ever crave anything else. 
Also, Here is a great Post workout snack (you know, after you get done doing the killer 300 ab workout)
These No Bake energy bites are perfect to give you a nice re-boost and satisfy that chocolate craving!


  • 1 cup (dry) oatmeal (I used old-fashioned oats)
  • 2/3 cup toasted coconut flakes
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup ground flax seed
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips or cacao nibs (optional)
  • 1/3 cup honey or agave nectar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extrct


  1. Stir all ingredients together in a medium bowl until thoroughly mixed. Cover and let chill in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  2. Once chilled, roll into balls of whatever size you would like. (Mine were about 1" in diameter.) Store in an airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1 week.
  3. Makes about 20-25 balls.
(231 Calories, 14.1g fat, 24.6g Carbohydrates, 4.5g protein)

 Enjoy!!! We'd love to hear what you think! Leave a comment or subscribe to our blog down at the bottom of this page.
Our page views have been pretty overwhelming.  Shauna and I are so unbelievably thankful that you take a few minutes to read our post. Thanks for all your support!!

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