Sunday, May 10, 2015

I get by with a little help from my friends...

So your ready to do this.  Your ready to kick those unhealthy habits in the butt and get your "healthy on".  Where the heck do you start? How the heck do you start? As I mentioned before, when I first started losing weight I did so in a very unhealthy way.  Mainly, because I didn't know any different. And also, I had been pretty desperate.  I used to joke about how I may not be doing this right, and it may kill me, but at least I'll die skinny.  What a horrible way to live!!! The one thing I did do right however was my Zumba on Wednesday nights! I did with a group of friends.  This was not only the thing that got me moving in the first place, but made me realize that there was actually an exercise out there that I could do and not hate.  After each class a couple of friends from the class and I would talk for just 15 minutes before leaving about how well I was doing and what I could do differently.  These small little pep talks motivated me into the next day!
I also mentioned that when I started Farrell's, I did so because I friend asked me to.  This really changed our friendship.  Our friendship grew so much in those 10 weeks it was incredible.  Not only did our friendship grow, but we gained a whole new family of friends in our "team".  These are seriously a group of people I would consider some of my closest friends! AND I JUST MET THEM!! What makes this group so special.  They pushed me, motivated me, and held me accountable for every pound, for every bite I took, for every sit up I did, for every class I attended.  Without this group encouraging me I would NOT be where I am today.  I would NOT have the success story that I do. 
So with all that said, the first place to begin is with your friends! Find at least one person who not only has the same "FIT" goals in mind, but is willing to sacrifice the same things you are to achieve that goal.  I am very competitive, which helped me get my butt to the gym every day.  I DID not want the reason I didn't win (which I didn't by the way lol) this competition be because I didn't show up and give my all.  I didn't want to let my team down.  I felt obligated to attend every day and give 100% everyday.  I felt they were counting on me.  I wanted to make them proud.  They consistently told me how proud I was making them.  I believe I did the same for them.  And because of this I worked harder and harder. 
Before I started Farrell's I did workout by myself.  But I would go and hit the elliptical with intentions of going for an hour, but would then crap out at 30 minutes all the time.  One because it was pretty boring and two, no one would know.  Same with the Zumba classes I took.  I would go with the intentions of working as hard as I could, but if I got the slightest bit tired, I'd stop, and I really didn't have anyone there to give me the stare down and tell me to keep moving.  Once I got to know the instructors and regulars a little better this got a little better, but that took awhile. 
I am now doing our workout classes with my husband.  I am so excited about this because I know what this does to relationships. I am excited as to where this will take my relationship with my husband. 
Use your friends.  Help them get motivated to be healthy.  Watch your relationships grow.  Show them that you are not going to give up...not this time :)

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