Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Weekly Motivation: Don't give up!

Well, Jenni and I continue to have a crazy month of May.  Motivation Monday has just turned into "Weekly Motivation".  Like I mentioned before, on this segment, we want to feature and interview someone who inspires us.  I was finally able to sit down with a wonderful woman named Carol Wisecarver.  She is a role model, an inspiration, and a true legend at our Farrell's location.  After my first kickboxing class with Carol, I knew this lady meant business.  That class is defiantly in my top five of hardest workouts I have done so far!

Carol Wisecarver

In January 2009 Carol saw a commercial on T.V. for a new workout facility in Omaha that was based on cardio kickboxing.  She had taken a few kickboxing classes in the past and decided to check it out.  Little did she know that by taking her first step into the building, she would become an FXB lifer.  Within the first five weeks of her first ten week session, Carol was asked if she would be interested in becoming an instructor.  From there on she was hooked.  Within the next few years she became part owner of the facility, to eventually owning the entire location! She fell in love with Farrell's for what the program does.  It creates a sense of community, instills confidence,  delivers great results, and challenges you to step out of your comfort zone.  While she loved what she was doing for people, by changing their lives and getting them healthy, she realized as an Owner she was starting to only see people as dollar signs.  She didn't like that feeling, so she sold her location to someone who would take just as much pride in the program as she did, and help Farrell's flourish in Omaha. Since then, Carol went back to instructing, and getting to do what she does best, inspiring others!  She is truly someone who cares about the success, and story of everyone she meets. 

Question and Answer Time:

Q: You look amazing.  Have you always been in good shape?
A: No, my family has a history of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.  This doesn't come naturally. 

Finishing the Lincoln 1/2 Marathon
Carol is always on the go, doing lots of different things to stay active.  Hiking, biking, running, and even sky diving.  When she started Farrell's she hated running just like many of us do, but she was focused and determined and she didn't give up.  Running became her therapy to help prepare her for the day ahead or to unwind and reflect on what the day brought.  Carol has done four 1/2 Marathons and it seems like she is always participating in some sort of fun run for the month.

Q: What motivates and inspires you to live such an active lifestyle?
A: My 23 year old Daughter.  I want to there for her and watch her grow in life.  I want to be a good role model for her and show her that we all make mistakes sometimes and that's OK.

Carol, who just turned 50 this year, said her father passed away in his 50's, this is another reason why she stays so active.  I'm going to do whatever she is doing cause I can only hope when I turn 50 I look as amazing as she does!

Q: Food. Tell me about your nutrition.
A: Meal prep is key. I drive to Lincoln every day for work and I have to prep my meals. Everyone knows if I don't get my lunch in, I'm no fun.  I use Fruit to satisfy my sweet cravings.

Working in Lincoln, and living in Omaha makes for a busy day for Carol.  She gets up really early every day and takes/teaches 5 a.m. (and most likely gets a run in I'm sure).  She gets all of her meals ready for her day,  and drives to Lincoln and back.  If she didn't have her lunches and snacks prepped and ready to go, she would fall into bad habits and probably choose more unhealthy options.  She says she likes to prep up grilled chicken, that way she can add it to her salads easily.

Q: Favorite go to snack?
A: Cliff Bars.

Q: What three words best describe you.
A:Focused, Determined, and Content

Q: What would you tell someone who is on the fence about starting a workout program.
A: JUST GET STARTED! Stay commited and DON'T GIVE UP!

I couldn't agree more Carol.  We all have to start somewhere.  If we give up and stop trying, we will never know what could have been.  It will be hard, it will suck sometimes, it will be frustrating, you will have good weeks and bad weeks, but if you don't keep pushing yourself you will just be in the same spot you are in now.  I have so many good motivational quotes for this one... take your pick :)


A big thanks to Carol for letting me steal some of her time to talk to her and ask her all of these questions.  Seriously though, Carol is a woman of strength, determination and a true inspiration to anyone who meets her. I don't know how this woman does all she does, but I am so thankful I get to be a part of her energy when she is in class.  Thanks for being awesome Carol!

Keep Inspiring

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Food and Fitness Challenge:

I truly believe that meal preparation/planning is half the battle of changing the way you eat or even view food.  If you plan your meals ahead of time and get it in your head that today you will eat this, this and this and that is all you can eliminate half the junk you might have ate if you didn't plan your meals.

I don't know about you, but there are just some (many) days that when it comes to meal time and I open the cupboards (full of food) I just can't find a single thing to eat, mainly because I'm tired and don't want to cook or prepare it. So the easiest thing to do is grab something from the drive-thru or throw in one of those frozen cardboard pizza's :)..But if my meal was already planned and made I am more likely to eat that (mainly so it doesn't go to waste). It also prevents my little snacking because, when determined, I will stick to my plan and the prep has made that easier.

So here is my challenge to you for the next week. Prepare your meals for the week!! That's right I said the WEEK!!! This will even be a challenge for me because I only prepare them the night before.  I have listed a couple recipies and ideas down below that you can use. 
Remember:          Keep each meal proportioned
                                  Stay within your set nutritional numbers
                                  Food is Fuel (which means it may not always be fun)
                                  Look ahead and plan your meals around your crazy schedule
                                  Stick to your plan


Breakfast (and/or Lunch)

Egg White, Spinach and Ham Quiches

2 c baby spinach
12 egg whites
1 tsp dried basil
1/8 tsp black pepper
6 tbsp shredded 2% mozzarella cheese
¾ c diced ham
  1. Preheat the oven to 350°, and generously coat 6 jumbo muffin cups with nonstick cooking spray.
  2. Cook the spinach in a large pan coated with nonstick cooking spray over medium-low heat for 2-3 minutes, or until wilted and dark green. Remove from the heat.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk the egg whites until light and frothy, about 1-2 minutes. Whisk in the basil and pepper. Stir in the spinach, cheese, and ham. Divide the egg mixture between the prepared muffin cups, and bake at 350° for 25-30 minutes, or until set. Cool in the muffin cups for at least 8 minutes before removing.
(76 calories, 2.2g fat, 1g carbohydrate, 12.8g protein - per quiche)
What to pack -
1 - Egg White, Spinache and Ham Quiche
1 - Precooked Turkey Sausage Patty
1 - cup strawberry halves
1/2 cup green grapes
(246 calories, 9g fat, 24g carbohydrates, 24g protein)
   you can add more fruit for a few more carbs if you want :)
Pack up 6 of these so they are ready to go for the week!

Dinner (and/or Lunch)

Meatloaf Muffins

  • 1 lb. ground beef (93%)
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 3 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tbsp oregano
  • 1 cup Annies Organic Ketchup
  • salt/pepper to taste

  • Heat oven to 350 degrees.
  • In a bowl, combine all ingredients except for the ketchup, mixing well.
  • Pack mixture into each of the muffin tin slots.
  • Bake muffins for 20 minutes or until beef is browned.
  • Top each muffin with 1 tsp of Annie’s organic ketchup.
  • Place back into the oven for ten more minutes. Take out and let sit for 10 minutes.

  • What to pack -
    1 - Meatloaf Muffin
    1 - cup steamed fresh GreenBeans
    1/2 - cup Sugar Free Applesauce
    (298 calories, 7g fat, 35g carbohydrates, 21g protein)
    Pack up 6 of these!
    Don't forget to plan snacks as well and LOTS AND LOTS of water (at least 80oz a day)
    All right! What are you waiting for?  NO better time to start than now!!


    So this is going to be a simple one today.  But you will need a timer, a pen and a notebook (and maybe even a partner).

    When we first started Farrell's we were "tested" on a few things like push ups, sit ups, etc. I was AMAZED at how much my numbers improved in just a few short weeks!  I had gotten so much stronger.  Even though the scale wasn't moving super fast, it was motivating to see the improvements.  So that's what we are doing today. 
    Here's what you'll write down:
    Number of Push ups in a minute
     (Gals, you can do knee pushups but remember that because that's how you'll have to them each time you test! Guys, Sorry Charlie! Its from your toes only!) :)
    Number of Sit ups in a minute
    How long can you hold a Plank (straight arm or elbows but remember which one you do)
    How fast can you run/walk a mile

    If you are not involved in a daily workout program make sure you are doing push ups, situps, and planking EVERY day.  And if possible try running/walking your mile once or twice a week.  I guarantee if you do this you too can be motivated by the results

    Good Luck!





    Wednesday, May 13, 2015

    Shauna's Thoughts: How to stay Motivated

    Sorry we weren't able to get a Motivation Monday post done this week.  May has turned out to be quite hectic to both Jenni and I. We will have a great story for everyone next Monday.  I get to do a Q&A with the lovely Carol Wisecarver! She has been in the FXB world for a very long time, and I cannot wait to get her story. Until then, I thought I could share some ideas and tips on how I stay motivated.

    Find your reason WHY.  Why did you start this journey in the first place?  
    Did you just want to lose a few winter pounds? Did you have to lose the weight because of a medical reason? Were you just tired of the way you look and feel?  Were you tired of making promises to yourself and never followed through? Did you want to be healthier for your family?  There had to have been a reason WHY you started.  Write that reason down and put it somewhere where you will see it every day!


     Don't do it alone! Get the entire family involved, do it with friends, or make friends with people who have the same goals.  Surround yourself with like minded people.  You will gain accountability, support, and you will have fun. This will give you a shoulder to cry on, someone to talk you off the ledge as you are about to eat that delicious doughnut, and give you some good competition!  All of which will keep you motivated and determined to keep going. 


     Realize that Rome wasn't built in a day.  I didn't gain all my weight and get into all of my unhealthy habits in one day.  It took a year for me to gain back the 30+ pounds I had lost the previous year.  I was realistic and I knew I wasn't going to lose all the weight in one day either.  Remember there isn't a miracle pill or diet that will instantly make you skinny (well I mean I guess there is photo shop... JUST KIDDING). It will take hard work, perseverance, determination, accountability, and getting into the right mind set to see results. There will be good days and bad days, but don't give up just cause you had a bad day or week.  Get back up, call a friend and get back to it! 

     Do something you like to do, I have said this before.  I have never been successful in my weight loss because I never stuck to it.  Why?  Because there wasn't any passion in what I was doing.  Sure, I was dropping weight and looking better, but I hated going to the gym.  My husband will tell how I would dread going to the gym.  I would make any excuse possible to not go, and complain about the workouts he was giving me.  It wasn't until I found something that I enjoyed doing and became completely passionate (OK let's be honest...obsessed) about, that I have finally stuck with it.  Enjoying my fitness routine motivates me to go every day, and push myself harder and harder during every workout. It motivates me so much that I was refereed to as the "teachers pet" the other day.  Guess what?  I wear that with pride because I love what I do. Haters gonna hate ;)

    Here's a sample of my Smash book
    Keep a fitness journal or post inspirational quotes.  This is something that I also get made fun of for doing, but I don't care.  It keeps me motivated.  I started my fitness "Smash Book" when I started FXB at the beginning of this year.  I needed something that I could document my journey in.  I wanted something that I could look back to when I was feeling unmotivated, in a slump, or having one of those "bad days".  I absolutely love it and it doubles as a therapy session for me.  I love having a creative outlet.

    Don't let the number on the scale define you.  This one is hard for me to remember too.  I think as a society we have been trained to fit into a certain size jean, and stay with-in a certain number on the scale. We are all made differently, and we all come in different shapes and sizes.  Don't be discouraged by the numbers.  Look for improvements in your daily life.  Are you able to walk farther without losing your breath? Do you have more energy?  Are your clothes fitting better? Try taking measurements of your body every three months.  Maybe you didn't lose numbers on the scale, but you will be shocked when you realize you have lost inches on your body! Stay positive and keep going  refer back to #THREE!

    Well those are some things that help me stay motivated.  Leave a comment below and tell us what keeps you motivated!  Just remember don't give up, it will take time and patience, but in the end it will be worth all of hard work.

    Keep Inspiring

    Sunday, May 10, 2015

    I get by with a little help from my friends...

    So your ready to do this.  Your ready to kick those unhealthy habits in the butt and get your "healthy on".  Where the heck do you start? How the heck do you start? As I mentioned before, when I first started losing weight I did so in a very unhealthy way.  Mainly, because I didn't know any different. And also, I had been pretty desperate.  I used to joke about how I may not be doing this right, and it may kill me, but at least I'll die skinny.  What a horrible way to live!!! The one thing I did do right however was my Zumba on Wednesday nights! I did with a group of friends.  This was not only the thing that got me moving in the first place, but made me realize that there was actually an exercise out there that I could do and not hate.  After each class a couple of friends from the class and I would talk for just 15 minutes before leaving about how well I was doing and what I could do differently.  These small little pep talks motivated me into the next day!
    I also mentioned that when I started Farrell's, I did so because I friend asked me to.  This really changed our friendship.  Our friendship grew so much in those 10 weeks it was incredible.  Not only did our friendship grow, but we gained a whole new family of friends in our "team".  These are seriously a group of people I would consider some of my closest friends! AND I JUST MET THEM!! What makes this group so special.  They pushed me, motivated me, and held me accountable for every pound, for every bite I took, for every sit up I did, for every class I attended.  Without this group encouraging me I would NOT be where I am today.  I would NOT have the success story that I do. 
    So with all that said, the first place to begin is with your friends! Find at least one person who not only has the same "FIT" goals in mind, but is willing to sacrifice the same things you are to achieve that goal.  I am very competitive, which helped me get my butt to the gym every day.  I DID not want the reason I didn't win (which I didn't by the way lol) this competition be because I didn't show up and give my all.  I didn't want to let my team down.  I felt obligated to attend every day and give 100% everyday.  I felt they were counting on me.  I wanted to make them proud.  They consistently told me how proud I was making them.  I believe I did the same for them.  And because of this I worked harder and harder. 
    Before I started Farrell's I did workout by myself.  But I would go and hit the elliptical with intentions of going for an hour, but would then crap out at 30 minutes all the time.  One because it was pretty boring and two, no one would know.  Same with the Zumba classes I took.  I would go with the intentions of working as hard as I could, but if I got the slightest bit tired, I'd stop, and I really didn't have anyone there to give me the stare down and tell me to keep moving.  Once I got to know the instructors and regulars a little better this got a little better, but that took awhile. 
    I am now doing our workout classes with my husband.  I am so excited about this because I know what this does to relationships. I am excited as to where this will take my relationship with my husband. 
    Use your friends.  Help them get motivated to be healthy.  Watch your relationships grow.  Show them that you are not going to give up...not this time :)

    Saturday, May 9, 2015

    Food & Fitness: Abdominals

    This week we are shaping up our abs just in time for summer!  It's true abs are made in the kitchen!  Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition. We are going to give you some delicious recipes to try, and a killer abdominal workout to go with it.   

    The challenge we are going to share is one that we have been doing at our Farrell's locations for a few weeks. Between our 10 week sessions our team needed a little something extra  Thanks to one of our awesome coaches (thanks Jenn) she shared the 300 Abs challenge with us. It's supposed to be the same workout that the cast from the movie 300 did to chisel out their amazing let's get to it.


    Some of these are new exercises, so I have pictures on how to execute them...
    *I have provided two versions of the Hip lift or Hip dip.  Either way is killer :)
    Toe Touch Reverse
    Hip lift orHip dips
    Russian twistside V-ups
    Pictures provided by:,,, &

    I challenge everyone to try this abs series every other day for a week and see how you feel! Even better, try to keep it going the entire month! You will be sore, but keep going you CAN DO IT!

    You can do all the ab work you want to but unless you have that NUTRITION on point you are basically doing all that work for nothing.  
    I am often asked "what do you eat in a day"?
    As Shauna and I have both mentioned what works for the both of us is eating 6 small meals a day.  I really do my very best to make sure that I eat every three hours.  (I have even set myself a timer on days I know I will be super busy). After a while your body will get used to your schedule and will NEED to eat on that schedule.  So below is an example of what my "food log" might look like for one day.  I do prepare my food/meals and log the night before and try to really stick to what I have planned.  Now Farrell's has given me a good guideline of nutrition numbers to follow.  These numbers have been calculated specifically for me so depending on your size, and body fat percentage yours might be slightly different. Farrell's has some crazy scientific formula that's pretty perfect. :) The guideline I use is 35 carbs per meal and 20 protein per meal.
    Meal 1: Whey Protein Shake
    (200 calories, 29g carbohydrates, 21g protein, 1.5g fat)
    Meal 2: Special K Protein Kellogg's Special K Protein Cereal, 16.5 oz
                  Skim Milk
    (160 calories, 30g carbohydrates, 18g protein, 2g fat)
    Meal 3: Chicken Breast (sliced in strips)
                  Whole Grain Tortillia
                   Light Mayo
                   (With these first four I make a yummy and filling wrap)
                   Fresh Green Beans (which I honestly don't put in my count)
                   Natural Applesauce (unsweetened)
    (311 Calories, 36g of carbohydrates, 24g of protein, 8g of fat)
    Meal 4: Quest Bar (My fave is the chocolate peanutbutter) Image result for quest bar chocolate peanut butter
                  V-8 Fustion Drink
    (240 Calories, 38g carbohydrates, 20g of protein, 8g of fat)
    Meal 5: Coconut Chicken Tenders (click on for link to recipe)
                  Lettuce Salad with light Italian Dressing (Wishbone)
                  1/2 piece of pita bread
    (327 calories,  30.7g of Carbohydrates, 30g protein, 9.4g Fat)
    Meal 6: 2- skim milk cheese sticks
                  12- Raw Almonds
    (280 Calories, 26 Carbohydrates, 18g Protein, 15g Fat)
    This is pretty much what my day looks like, especially a day at work.  Its a very simple and quick combination of food.  To be honest I eat just about the same thing everyday.  Just makes life easier. Of course this isn't perfect.  As you can see some of my meals are missing a few carbs or have too many.  I am still trying to learn the balance myself.  But with these meals and my 80oz of water I am seriously NEVER hungry or really ever crave anything else. 
    Also, Here is a great Post workout snack (you know, after you get done doing the killer 300 ab workout)
    These No Bake energy bites are perfect to give you a nice re-boost and satisfy that chocolate craving!


    • 1 cup (dry) oatmeal (I used old-fashioned oats)
    • 2/3 cup toasted coconut flakes
    • 1/2 cup peanut butter
    • 1/2 cup ground flax seed
    • 1/2 cup chocolate chips or cacao nibs (optional)
    • 1/3 cup honey or agave nectar
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extrct


    1. Stir all ingredients together in a medium bowl until thoroughly mixed. Cover and let chill in the refrigerator for half an hour.
    2. Once chilled, roll into balls of whatever size you would like. (Mine were about 1" in diameter.) Store in an airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1 week.
    3. Makes about 20-25 balls.
    (231 Calories, 14.1g fat, 24.6g Carbohydrates, 4.5g protein)

     Enjoy!!! We'd love to hear what you think! Leave a comment or subscribe to our blog down at the bottom of this page.
    Our page views have been pretty overwhelming.  Shauna and I are so unbelievably thankful that you take a few minutes to read our post. Thanks for all your support!!

    Wednesday, May 6, 2015

    Shauna's Thoughts: My Favorite Things

    Hello everybody!   For My Thoughts Wednesday I want to talk about some of my favorite things. These things are a must in my every day routine, and some of them I have just started to use and love!  I hope this will bring you some inspiration to try new things :)

    1) A good dependable water bottle.  My daily go to bottle is the Blender bottle.  Most fitness junkies know what this is, but if you don't it is a life saver.  They are good for water, juice, and tea but I use mine to blend up my pre-work out and protein powders. They come in many styles and colors, they are BPA and Phthalate free, re-usable, and dishwasher safe.  Whatever water bottle you choose, make it a good dependable one, because this should basically be glued to you at all times. Water, water, water....all day every day.

    2) Quest Bars.  This is THE. BEST. PART. OF. MY. DAY.  It's like I get to eat a delicious treat every single day... and it's nutritious. They come in an variety of flavors perfected to satisfy that 2 O'clock snack attack.  My favorite bar is the Cookies & Cream flavor.  I also like, Double Chocolate Chunk, Peanut Butter Supreme, and Coconut Cashew.  They are usually 20grams of Protein,  22 - 25 grams of Carbs, high in Fiber, and are Gluten Free.  They make other products as well so check out their website and you will be able to see all of the nutrtion facts.

    3) Here's a new favorite, P28 breads.  These are High Protein (28grams per serving) breads and my favorite are the Bagles.  Now that I am able to eat bagles again :), no cream cheese of course, they are awesome to make sandwiches with.  Today I made a delicious turkey and provolone sammie. Check out for other products, and recipes.

    4) My food log is a daily must. I use My Fitness Pal for all of my food logging and nutrient tracking.  I cannot stress enough how important keeping a food log has been for my weightloss journey.  The good and the bad, it all goes in there.  I try to plan a day ahead, that way I can see how my carbs/proteins/fats are stacking up for each meal. It helps me make sure I am getting all my nutrition in for the day to keep me accountable.  If I have to many "not so good days" I can look back and see what I need to do to re-balance my nutrtion and get back on track. You can also add friends and check out what kind of delicious meals they are coming up with! You can find me on My Fitness Pal by searching user name: sunnypacz19.

    5) My Polar fitness watch is my heart rate monitor and my calorie counter.  There are a million types of these watches out there like the Fitbit, Jawbone...etc. My husband got me the Polar watch about two years for my birthday and I love it.  It keeps track of my workouts, heart rate, and you can also download the phone app to track your running/walking sessions.  I think investing in some type of fitness watch is good, because again, it will keep you accountable and monitor your progress.

    6) Lastly, my workout is my favorite part of my day.  As you probably know by now I live life at level 10.  I am a Farrell's Extreme Bodyshaping nut and proud of it.  This is my 45 minutes part of the day that is mine.  I get to relieve the stress of the day, challenge myself, see my friends, get away from being an adult, and to not worry about anything except what I need to reach my level 10 for the day.  I'm not saything this is the only thing that works, this is just what works for me. The key here is I LOVE FARRELLS.  Find something you love and become passionate about it.  Kickboxing, running, biking, lifting weights, Zumba, dancing, doing Beach Body DVD's at home, Yoga, or playing a sport, whatever it is just move your body! Get up and get active.  If you enjoy your workout you will have a better chance of sticking to it.

    So there are a few of my favorite must haves.  Let me know in the comments below if you have some go to foods, snacks, or fitness things you love and cannot live without! You can also find me on instagram ( it is another favorite thing of mine) @sunnypacz.  I post alot of my meals and my life on there.  Thanks for making Inspiring Journey part of your day.


    Monday, May 4, 2015

    Motivation Monday

    So here on Inspiring Journey we are planning to "interview" people who inspire us and then share there stories for Motivation Monday's. We weren't able to get our first interview done yet...but stay tuned for next week we have an awesome interview in the works with a fellow FXB lifer :)

    I'm going to get a bit personal this for this post.  This weekend was really hard for me.  My granmother, who basically raised me, was sent to the emergency room on Sunday morning.   Honestly, I haven't been feeling very motivated or cheery.  Today was the first day in 17 weeks that I finally missed my first every FXB class.  I was was ready to go bag packed, shoes on, keys in hand...but I was just sad... there was no way I was going to be able to kickbox today and give my level 10.  So, I curled up into a ball and cuddled my dog on the couch until it was time to pick my son up from daycare.

    As I started to recieve messages of support from my fellow FXB team, I realized that talking about what was happing was actually helping me get out of my slump.  So I wanted to thank everyone who has given me warm wishes and prayers for my grandmother's recovery.  It has motviated me to get out of my shell once again and open up a bit. I can't wait to see all of them on the mat tomorrow.

    I suppose what I'm trying to say by this is, life happens and thats ok.  There are always going to be ups and downs.  We have to surround ourselves with positive people.  People who truly care about us, motivate us to keep going, push us though the hard times, make us stonger, and send thoughts and prayers when needed.  I am truly blessed that I have met so many wonderful people through Farrel's.  If I never would have taken the final push to start this journey I wouldn't have these people in my life.  So take the leap to start something new, you never know when you will need new friends to help you.


    Sunday, May 3, 2015

    Excuses are like ...

    Yep, its true! Excuses are like a@&holes, everyone has one. I know, I know, its sounds harsh, but its so true. I, however, am proclaiming myself the queen of excuses! Really! I can come up with some pretty good ones.  I was talking with a coworker the other day about all the excuses I have come up with and I have heard to not eat healthy, to not go to the gym, to not find a fitness program.  Honestly, most the "excuses" are pretty good and valid.  When I invite someone to the try out my program and they tell me the list of things they have going on that day I don't judge them one bit, infact I get exhausted for them.  I completely get it! I think I mentioned in my first post I finally got fed up with myself, I got mad! I finally decided I wasn't going to let myself make one more excuse as to why I chose the large value meal at the fast food joint vs. the chicken breast (without the bread) and a salad. I wanted to feel better more than I wanted the French fries. I wasn't going to let working a 12 hour day stop me from finding time to go to the gym because I was tired.  I wanted to feel better more than I wanted to sleep an extra hour.  I got mad.  I got determined. 
    My typical day starts at 3:30am. I get up and get ready for my day (yes, hair and makeup before the gym. Crazy, I know, but makes my morning a bit easier.  Still trying to figure out the best way with all that). My husband and I are at the gym by 4:45am for the 5am class. (Our older son is home with the younger ones while we are gone, in that way we are very lucky that we can do this together)  Our class lasts 45min.  Afterwards, I stay at the gym and try to clean myself up enough to go to work while my husband goes home and gets all our kids up and ready for school.  (God Bless Him, He's pretty great!) I then head to work at 7am for a 12 hour day at the hospital.  I get home about 7:30ish pm.  (I'll talk about my meals at work here in a second) I spend some time catching up with my kids about their day, get them ready for bed and tuck them in.  Then my husband and I do our meal planning for the next day together, pack our lunches up. I shower and go to bed.  I do this routine three times a week (I work 3 - 12's). On the days I don't work obviously my schedule is way easier. No, its not ideal, but it is necessary.  There are so many times I would love to sleep just a bit longer, but I know, for me, if I get out of a routine of going to the gym every day then I will eventually miss two days, then three, then won't go at all.  For now, since this is all still new to me, I guess I just go everyday until I can trust myself to maybe go 5 days a week or even 4.  I don't know.  For now, I make this work.  So, I guess when someone says to me.  I have no time to go to the gym.  I have to take the kids here and there, I have work, I have this commitment and that commitment.  I completely understand (remember I have 4 kids running different directions as well).  There are several 24 hour gyms.  (some I'm not so sure I'd recommend, but they are better than nothing) So when someone says I just don't have time, I always ask, well what are you doing at 4:00am? There really is time. If you want it enough. There is time.  I promise :)
    Ok so food... I often get asked what do you eat? I always say "a lot" ,cause seriously I do.  The program that I do suggests that you eat 6 small meals a day.  And so far this has really worked for me.  I seriously am never hungry. I have more energy than I ever have, and I feel great all day long (and some days its a really long day). I know I have a lot of improving to do on my food.  I hate that I am such a picky eater.  I wish that I liked more foods than I do, but I am really trying to change that.  My goal through out my day is to eat as healthy and clean as I can.  The less ingredients on a package the better... The other thing I do is plan my meals.  A lot of my "fit" friends will plan out their week, I sadly, haven't gotten that good yet.  I do mine daily.  Every night, my husband and I figure out our meals for the next day.  What we plan, is what we eat. No more. No less. Farrell's has some crazy scientific formula that individually calculates how much protein and carbs a meal you should have.  I don't know what that formula is, or how they came up with it, or really how even scientific it is, but it works for me and gives me a good guideline.  So, for me, each of my meals contain 35g of carbs and 20g of protein.  I try really hard to eat every 3 to 3 and 1/2 hours (with work it can be tricky sometimes). I do use whey protein shakes and a protein bar almost daily, but my husband doesn't use either.  So, that is pretty much it.  I can get detailed about every meal if you'd like and I have to honest I eat pretty much the same things every day.  Its pretty boring.  But as I said in my first post I now look at food as fuel, not as pleasure.  With this thinking I have found that things taste so much better, because when I do have "cheat" meal (which of course I do) I savor and love each and every bite of that meal.  It tastes so much better and I appreciate it way more than I ever did before because I know it will be awhile before I taste it again. ;)
    So, its not easy.  Especially with how crazy life is daily.  But, it is possible to be healthy.  You have to start somewhere.  Shauna sent out a quote one time that said  "Its not easy, Its going to hurt, You are going to want to give up, but you wont! NOT THIS TIME, you are a FIGHTER" I love that.  It is so true.  :)

    Saturday, May 2, 2015

    Food and Fitness Saturday

    Welcome to our first Food and Fitness Saturday!  We will be posting one 10-15 min bodyweight workout and one healthy recipe to try over the weekend.  We encourage everyone to try them out and fun with it.    

    I have created a pretty basic Pyramid workout that will consist of 8 body weight moves.  

    - 10 Squats
    - 15 Push ups
    - 20 Jumping jacks
    - 30 Crunches
    - 30 second Plank
    - 20 High knees
    - 15 Wide Leg Squats (Sumo Squats)
    - 10 Alternating Lunges (each leg)

    Repeat this series 2 times for beginner level
    Repeat this series 3 times for intermediate level
    Repeat this series 5 times for advanced level

    *Rest 2 minute between series*

    Here are some pictures that will show you what some of the exercises look like.  Enjoy, I will be doing this workout on my "Rest Day" tomorrow.  ~Shauna~Squat    Push UpPlank High Knees

     Sumo SquatLunge

    *Images Provided By Google Search: &

    Time to Eat!!!

    Here are two super easy recipes.  One full of all the good things you need in a meal and another for that sweet tooth craving without feeling guilty or feeling as if you have to do Shauna's workout ten times over :)

    Slow Cooker Turkey and Quinoa Stuffed Peppers
    • 1 sweet onion, diced
    • 2 cloves garlic, minced
    • 1/4 cup fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped
    • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
    • 1 cup dry quinoa, rinsed
    • 1/4 cup whole wheat bread crumbs (or whole wheat panko)
    • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
    • Kosher or sea salt to taste
    • 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
    • 1 egg
    • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
    • 1 pound lean ground turkey
    • 6 bell peppers, (with tops sliced off and seeds and membranes cleaned out) 
    • 1 (24 ounce) marinara sauce, no sugar added (Ragu actually makes a pretty good sugar free sauce)
    • 1/2 cup water

    Combine in a large mixing bowl the first eight ingredients (the ones in red). Add 1/3 cup of parmesan, egg, tomato paste and ground turkey, mix well. Using the turkey mixture, evenly stuff the peppers and place side by side in slow cooker. Pour marinara over peppers. Cover and cook on low 6 hours.

    Carefully remove peppers from slow cooker, place on plates and sprinkle with remaining parmesan.

    Ok so here's the good on that one:
    6 Servings: 294 calories, 10g of Fat, 19g of Carbohydrates, 3g of Fiber, 2g of Sugar, 26g of protein...Not bad...right??

    I have a HORRIBLE sweet tooth.  One of my first jobs as a teenage was at a candy store in the mall.  BEST JOB EVER! I LOVE candy!!! My most fave is reeses peanut butter cups. Now this super quick and easy recipe doesn't exactly come close to the reeseses greatness, it absolutely curbs that craving I sometimes have for it! (btw WHAT is that stuff they put in the middle of those peanut butter cups! Good thing it isn't sold by the jar!)

    Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups:
    2/3 cup - "MiniCarb" chocolate chips
    1-1/2 Tbl - of natural/sugar free peanutbutter
    1/2 tsp - butter
    1 Tbl - granular splenda
    1/8 tsp - vanilla
    12 - peanuts
    12 - paper candy cups (the small cupcake looking things)

    Melt all of the ingredients (minus the peanuts) in the microwave and stir until blended smooth.  Pour into the candy cups and chill until set.  (Half way through the chilling, a peanut on top each one)

    Serving size: 1 peanut butter cut: 67 calories, 5g of Fat, 6g of Carbohydrate, 4g of Fiber, 2g of protein.

    Let us know what you think!  We'd love to hear how the exercises are going and if you tried one of the recipes.  Just comment below.  You can also subscribe to this blog by entering your email at the bottom of the page then confirming your email when the confirmation is sent to you :)